• At what age do you start teaching a child?
    •  Once your child can crawl, he/she NEEDS to learn to swim.  We begin instruction at nine months, as babies are a bit more coordinated at this stage (crawling or perhaps taking their first steps), and pose a real threat to themselves around water now that they are mobile.
    • Why is this course so Successful?
    • Our program is based on consistency and repitition. We build daily upon your child’s skill levels with patience so that he/she becomes very comfortable in the water, and respectful of the water, all in one.
    • Why 10 minute lessons?
    •           There are a few reasons we use a 10 minute time frame daily:  Infants/Toddlers/Children learn best in short duration, as their attention spans are much shorter than adults.  During the 6 weeks, we give the children alot of responsibilty in these lessons, more then they are probably used to recieving.  (all the while being fully aware of how much support they may still need from the instructor.)  We want to get the best results out of the child, and keeping the lesson to 10 minutes assures us that they do not over-tire themselves.  As well,  students may take in a fair amount of water when they are learning, and their bellies can feel discomfort if longer than 10 minutes.  (Imagine yourself swimming for 10 minutes straight as an adult---even for us, it can be tiring!)
    • What if my child is afraid of the water?
    •          This is one of the many reasons we have a program that lasts 6 weeks:  the more daily exposure to the water, and the more daily practice they get performing the skills they've learned, fear begins to subside.  It may be replaced with joy and excitement, it may be replaced with anger---"i don't want to float, i just want to play and have fun ONLY!"--either way, fear is not something that lasts too long with our students.   Getting the parent in the water on Friday's only helps to alleviate any fear, as well.  The parent is urged to practice what we are teaching with their child on the weekends or during week, which leads to even greater confidence in the child!  Confidence replaces fear!
    • Will my child be traumatized by the lessons?
    •           Quite the reverse -- If your child fell into the water and did not know how to self-rescure themselves, THIS would be the traumatizing event.    Trauma occurs when something happens once or more than once and the person does not know how to cope or overcome the fear they experienced during the event.    The slow progression and repitition, most importantly, of our lessons does not allow for trauma, but rather boosts confidence.   Through all of our lessons, the instructor is fully present, giving full support to the child until they are showing signs of "doing it themselves".  Even then, we are very careful with  the amount of responsibility we give them before they are ready.